PEARLS教程、调查员和工作人员致力于消除自闭症研究与实践者、儿童和家庭使用生成知识间有时出现的差距。 因此PEARLS包括数项举措,旨在向社区团体和个人提供最新证据信息。自闭症联盟is a committee of individuals from agencies and programs across the state focused on identifying and enhancing screening efforts in North Carolina. Currently PEARLS faculty and investigators are conducting treatment studies (two with infants and toddlers at-risk for autism, the other with preschoolers with autism) aimed at comparing treatment effects across varied conditions. PEARLS Faculty, Investigators, and Staff also present numerous scientific papers and posters, conduct national, state, and local workshops and in-service activities, and sponsor visiting scholars. Finally, the PEARLS Faculty and Staff have been providing continuing education opportunities for area physician groups focused on the early identification of risk of autism in infants and toddlers. If your physician group seeks to have PEARLS provide an inservice opportunity for your practice, contact Dr.伊丽莎白Crais.
PEARLS团队成员协调 Michaela DuBay Linda Watson和JessicaKinard创建了西班牙语视频展示序列面向玻利维亚自闭症患者家属和专业人员提供信息支持自闭症项目得到了美洲伙伴北卡罗来纳分会的支持,作为自闭项目的一部分,PEARLS团队数名成员自2012年起访问玻利维亚同事通过与玻利维亚四个城市新组建自闭症委员会协商协作,确定立即需要培训家属和专业人员。因交通费禁止频繁访问自闭症专家持续培训,地方委员会建议使用技术帮助满足培训需求视频展示项目允许持续专业支持和培训,同时降低差旅费用项目包括25种预录西班牙语演示文集,分为三大类免费向家属和专业人员提供